For those not aware, the Strong Bad animated series has been running at since 2000. Strong Bad himself is the self-proclaimed coolest person ever, created by Matt and Mike Chapman.

As the very first episodic series for connected consoles, the game has been specifically designed for the challenges of WiiWare, with easy-to-use controls and WiiConnect24 features.

Like Sam 'n Max, the first series will have five episodes, coming out on a monthly schedule. Release dates and pricing details will be revealed at a later date.

Here’s what Telltale chief executive Dan Connors has to say: is one of the biggest success stories in online entertainment.

The Chapmans have been treating the internet to episodic content for years. We're thrilled to have teamed up with them to take episodic gaming to the next level via Nintendo's innovative WiiWare delivery system.

Telltale are working with the Chapmans on the art style, storylines and scripts, with voice acting provided by the original cast.

The games will also be available on PC.