Xbox Live Arcade

Nintendo is currently working hard to make sure developers know the benefits of WiiWare, not only from a creative point of view but from a financial one, too.

One anonymous source was quick to attack Microsoft’s Xbox Live Arcade, stating that the service wasn’t anywhere near as profitable as it could be and that it was packed with sub-par retro remakes.

Another WiiWare developer put it in rather less subtle terms:

Frankly, we're not looking at making games for Xbox Live Arcade because the service is full of shit.

So there you have it; although the service has officially launched yet, it seems that Nintendo has already won the hearts and minds of many developers. The sheer volume of positive comments coming from the dev community suggests that WiiWare is, for them at least, a winning propositon. Time will tell if the games are worth waiting for, but the future of downloadable content on the Wii is currently looking very promising indeed.

Read the full story here.