The graphics in DKC3 are some of the best the SNES has to offer.

Today's other releases probably won't cater to as much people, unfortunately. Blades of Steel is one of very few NES sports games that has held up to this day, but if you don't like ice hockey it's probably not for you.

Treasure fans will probably be disappointed that the newest Genesis game is not Light Crusader once again - It's Rolling Thunder 2 from Namco. This is a port of the arcade game with the same name. If you like a challenge, this is for you - It comes close to the Ghosts 'n Goblins series in difficulty.

No bad games in the bunch, but they certainly won't appeal to everyone. Check out the reviews:
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! - SNES - 800 Wii Points
Blades of Steel - NES - 500 Wii Points
Rolling Thunder 2 - Genesis - 800 Wii Points