
Topic: Why no Super Mario compilation release?

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Other than Super Mario All Stars from 25 years ago, we never had any Super Mario compilations similar to Mega Man Collection, Kingdom Hearts Collection, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Kirby Collection (2012 Wii release), Collection of Mana etc. It’s odd given other big franchises had numerous compilation releases on modern consoles. Is the lack of Mario compilation due to Nintendo never thought of releasing a similar compilation or is it because they don’t think it will sell?



We did get super Mario all stars again on the Wii. Same exact game as the Snes

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RedderRugfish wrote:

They probably make enough money on their own to justify keeping them separate.

That's pretty much my theory too. Why sell a bunch of games together for $59.99 when you can sell them individually for $39.99 to $59.99?

Edited on by CurryPowderKeg79


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


CurryPowderKeg79 wrote:

RedderRugfish wrote:

They probably make enough money on their own to justify keeping them separate.

That's pretty much my theory too. Why sell a bunch of games together for $59.99 when you can sell them individually for $39.99 to $59.99?

Both of these. This pretty much answers the question. So we’re good now. 😜


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


Nintendo is stingy. Metroid Prime Trilogy was Retro's idea. Super Mario All-Stars on SNES was awesome but the Wii version was physical-only and lazy. The worst era in this regard is Switch, with overpriced Wii U ports sold separately as expensive as the originals or even more.



They still see value in their back catalogue. Mario 64 might be a 20 year old game but its still very beloved so of course they're going to still sell it for 10 bucks by itself on the Virtual Console. Not to mention they have not rereleased it too many times (DS Remake, Wii and Wii U VCs.)

Compare that to say, Mega Drive games. They've been rereleased so many times they have very little value these days in terms of rereleases that you can sell a compilation of 50 games for just 30 bucks or lower, or even for free on the SEGA Forever app (If you don't mind ads). Same could be said about Nintendo's NES games, they've been rereleased to death and have started to age a bit, so its no wonder they gave em away for free with the subscription and made the Switch controllers a website exclusive.

In a way, the NES app is a compilation. It might not be everything Mario but its all the NES games Nintendo can get on there.



I've heard many people argue that Nintendo has stopped releasing as much legacy content to help indie developers and because it is impossible to compete with piracy. While I can understand the latter point, I think the former point is absurd and indies that can't stand competition should be allowed to fail. We don't want indie wannabe clones of classic games. At least I don't. All my fave indie games stand strong on their own.

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I think @Angelic_Lapras_King has the right of it. When you compare Nintendo to Sega and others, they are very deliberate about how and when they re-release their games, which helps them maintain the value of their IP. To some extent this is artificial, but it also speaks to the quality of their software and a shrewd business sense.

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