
  • Review Gear Gauntlet (Wii U eShop)

    Is this the gears game we've been waiting for?

    Too often, spinning cogs are portrayed as a danger in video games. Consider a lot of platform levels in the earlier Mario and Sonic titles, and dangerous spiky gears would normally make an appearance a few levels in - ready to slice the famous mascots to shreds. So how about a game where gears are for...


  • Review Totem Topple (Wii U eShop)

    No strategy, depth or appeal

    In Totem Topple you have to drop heads down on top of a totem pole while weird spiny things idly float into it as they try to knock it down. It's hard to know what these spiny things' problems are, but they will never give up, only giving way to more persistent, different coloured spiny things until they eventually take...